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  • June Grading 2018

    Palcic TKD – next colour belt grading dates confirmed -  Just an early heads up for all students the confirmed locations for our next bath of national colour belt gradings. Times and specifics will be released nearer date. Tweet

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  • A Busy weekend for Palcic TKD

    A day well spent is a day involved in TKD. Well done to all Palcic TKD Kensington students passing their colour belt students. Also well done to our new Army of instructors for successfully completing your PALCIC TKD instructors training course. Now it’s time to begin.. #palcictkd #itftkd#itftaekwondo #kickboxing #martialarts #kensington #centrallondon @ Kensington High Street Tweet

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    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! We’re closed next weekend at the following clubs, these are the only days we’re closed over easter. Tweet

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On the weekend of 1st November, Palcic Taekwon Do and Proaction Martial Arts played host to the UK exclusive seminars for one of the best fighters in the world, nine time European, and multiple world champion, the legendary Katya Solovey. Aided by her assistant (and translator) Victoria Sokolovska, Mrs Solovey conducted the most amazing seminars outlining and refining the more technical aspects of sparring.
The sessions started with a series of demanding warm up exercises (Individual and partner) along with the occasional “all versus all” exercise, where the aim was to tag, then strike (with a kick) any other member whilst avoiding any hits at the same time. Team exercises followed, in the form of relay style races, working on fitness primarily, incorporating perhaps more unusual exercises, yet hugely entertaining at the same time (certainly from a spectator’s point of view!); examples included “army crawling” and “cart wheeling” the width of the hall to list a few. This was, in effect, the springboard for an awesome and unforgettable session.
It was clear that the recurrent theme of the sparring drills was, as Mrs Solovey put it, “distance control” i.e. being far enough to avoid being hit by the opponent, but at the same time close enough to be able to counter attack at the right moment. Mrs Solovey regarded this highly and, in her opinion, it is the most important area of sparring and, after taking part in the various drills, it was clear to see why. In theory this sounds simple but in reality, and particularly in the ring, this is actually harder than it may seem and an area of sparring which many have not fully perfected. The drills worked on dodging, counter attacking and speed of techniques, each with a phenomenal demonstration beforehand. A cool down period ended the day, of course led by Ms Solovey herself, to cap off a fantastic seminar.
What struck most was the sheer speed of Mrs Solovey, both in her defending and counter attacking; in each demonstration, she was able to move, as quick as a flash, away from any incoming punches or kicks thrown at her; her assistant couldn’t get close with any techniques, and, in the event she did, would be met, equally as fast, by a flurry of punches. Watching her was truly mesmerising and having the opportunity to follow suit as well as be taught by her only added to the amazing experience on the day. Only those who were there can truly appreciate her skill as an exceptional fighter, and of course her achievements speak for themselves.
The seminar was amazing; as well as hugely enjoyable and highly beneficial. Each and every person was able to take something away from the afternoon, and the elements covered will no doubt change the way students spar in future, incorporating everything learnt from Mrs Solovey into their own sparring style. Everyone who attended was left truly inspired by Mrs Solovey, someone who not only presented herself as one of the top fighters in the world, but also a brilliant ambassador for sparring, and indeed for ITF Taekwon Do itself. The seminar will be long remembered as an incredible and hugely successful event.
Having already hosted Jaroslaw Suska in September, expectations were understandably high, but the seminar certainly delivered. Unbelievably, there were still spaces left until about a week before the seminars. This certainly won’t happen again (Hint!) and those who were not present missed out on a rare and incredible opportunity to gain knowledge and advice from one of the world’s best. Undoubtedly, Palcic TKD and Proaction Martial Arts are extremely privileged to have witnessed firsthand as well as learnt from the best fighter of her generation, and someone who will always be considered, certainly from a sparring point of view, a legend in the Taekwon Do world.
We sincerely look forwards to Mrs Solovey, and Ms Sokolovska returning next year for another exclusive UK Seminar.

For your free trial or for more details call
07968 056416

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