personal training Fusion kick boxing Classes


Recent News

  • June Grading 2018

    Palcic TKD – next colour belt grading dates confirmed -  Just an early heads up for all students the confirmed locations for our next bath of national colour belt gradings. Times and specifics will be released nearer date. Tweet

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  • A Busy weekend for Palcic TKD

    A day well spent is a day involved in TKD. Well done to all Palcic TKD Kensington students passing their colour belt students. Also well done to our new Army of instructors for successfully completing your PALCIC TKD instructors training course. Now it’s time to begin.. #palcictkd #itftkd#itftaekwondo #kickboxing #martialarts #kensington #centrallondon @ Kensington High Street Tweet

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    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! We’re closed next weekend at the following clubs, these are the only days we’re closed over easter. Tweet

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Squat training


Sunday 9th of December was the day of our first monthly squat training session. This is now growing into a massive event with all Palcic Taekwondo top instructors attending to teach at the event, and regularly 80 – 100 students attending.

The purpose of the events are to develop world class competitors, who will represent Palcic taekwondo at national and international level. We have already had members from our school representing England, and these same students are at the sqaut training events to help teach and develop the many students in attendance.

This frst one was a great event, with the students being split into 3 groups, one for sparring, another for patterns, and the final group to practice special technique. These are the major events at ITF competitions, and so we have designated specialist instructors in charge for the three divisons. Amit Sonik IV is our Sparring coach, he focused on the day on developing footwork skills and dodging defense drills. Students then moved onto patterns training, which was conducted by our patterns team coach Suhrab Sayfi III. Suhrab has plenty of experience competing in patterns at national and international events, and so worked heavily on important winning tips in the presentation of patterns. Finally Jaymin Thakrar III taught the special technique event. This was an exciting element to the day, as many of our students have not focused on this before, and it is fair to say that we got from great results from this section.

Already the training is paying off, as in  a recent tournament we entered and won 30 medals including golds in special technique and sparring and patterns.

We shall be announcing the next squat training date very soon.

For your free trial or for more details call
07968 056416

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