personal training Fusion kick boxing Classes


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  • June Grading 2018

    Palcic TKD – next colour belt grading dates confirmed -  Just an early heads up for all students the confirmed locations for our next bath of national colour belt gradings. Times and specifics will be released nearer date. Tweet

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  • A Busy weekend for Palcic TKD

    A day well spent is a day involved in TKD. Well done to all Palcic TKD Kensington students passing their colour belt students. Also well done to our new Army of instructors for successfully completing your PALCIC TKD instructors training course. Now it’s time to begin.. #palcictkd #itftkd#itftaekwondo #kickboxing #martialarts #kensington #centrallondon @ Kensington High Street Tweet

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    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! We’re closed next weekend at the following clubs, these are the only days we’re closed over easter. Tweet

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Queens visit to Krishna-Avanti School

Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip had a heart-warming welcome during their Diamond Jubilee tour of Krishna Avanti School on Thursday 29th March 2012.

 Crowds gathered to have a glimpse of the Queen, with the atmosphere full of happiness and excitement filled with children’s smiles and cheering. Her Majesty was escorted on a tour of the school by one of the directors of the Avanti Schools Trust, Nitesh Gor and a spectacular dance and song performed by the local children and adults. The Queen really admired the devotional music and was gifted a beautiful tapestry of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu dancing in Jarikhanda forest with the animals.

 We are privileged to be teaching the children Tae Kwon-Do at this school and also congratulate the 10 children who have passed their grading and hope to see them achieve more in the future.

For your free trial or for more details call
07968 056416

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