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Recent News

  • June Grading 2018

    Palcic TKD – next colour belt grading dates confirmed -  Just an early heads up for all students the confirmed locations for our next bath of national colour belt gradings. Times and specifics will be released nearer date. Tweet

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  • A Busy weekend for Palcic TKD

    A day well spent is a day involved in TKD. Well done to all Palcic TKD Kensington students passing their colour belt students. Also well done to our new Army of instructors for successfully completing your PALCIC TKD instructors training course. Now it’s time to begin.. #palcictkd #itftkd#itftaekwondo #kickboxing #martialarts #kensington #centrallondon @ Kensington High Street Tweet

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    HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! We’re closed next weekend at the following clubs, these are the only days we’re closed over easter. Tweet

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End of Year Black Belts Presentations and Winter Olympics!!


We have had an amazing week at our schools this week. Not only presenting Black Belts for all the students who recently passed, but also conducting the world famous PALCIC WINTER OLYMPICS!

Firstly, we proudly presented students with their New Black Belts in Harrrow, Hemel, Kingsbury, and Wembley schools. This is always a special time for us, and reminds us of how proud and fortunate we are as instructors to have so many wonderful students and parents who have shown such determination over a long period of time to achieve their Internationally recognised Black Belts in ITF TaeKwon-Do. This time round we had students of all ages being presented with their 1st, 2nd, and in one case 3rd degree Black Belts. We have done amazingly well this year, with over 100 students becoming Black Belts at our schools. So the presentation evenings are always a special time for us all.

THEN…… we followed this up with the most amazing games of the year – THE PALCIC WINTER OLYMPICS!!! students were spilt into teams and battled against the odds and all other teams in such serious and death defying events such as the “SUN BATHING TORTURE GAME”…and the “PRESS UPS TILL YOU DROP CHALLANGE!!” in the end of course there could only be one winning team for each class, and i am glad to say it was most certainly not the over confident instructors tream in Harrows last class :) )

As promised, below are a selection of pics from the event as well as Black Belt presentations.

Thank you all so much for such a wonderfull year. I am proud of every student we have, and wish you all the very best for next year.

Finally, we could not have such a great group if it was not for the tireless work and assistance of our instructors and assistants who really do work way beyond the call of duty to bring you the best schools and experience.

TaeKwon -

Paul Palcic VI

For your free trial or for more details call
07968 056416

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